Oliver Custom Benchgraft Medium to large fruit with smooth, waxy, golden yellow skin covered with crimson and streaked darker red. Large russet dots. Rich, spritely flavor. Some problems with fire blight and crown gall. Very rare. MSRP: Was: Now: $13.00 Choose Options
Opalescent Custom Benchgraft Large fruit with smooth skin entirely covered with dark red, occasionally shading to purplish with splashes of carmine. Firm, juicy, mildly subacid, yellow flesh. MSRP: Was: Now: $13.00 Choose Options
Orenco Custom Benchgraft Medium to large fruit with bright red skin. Tender, crisp, juicy white flesh. Very sweet and piquant flavor. Light bearer. Must be picked as soon as it is ripe. Scab resistant. MSRP: Was: Now: $13.00 Choose Options
Oriole Custom Benchgraft Yellow skin, striped red. Parentage: Yellow Transparent, Liveland Raspberry. An excellent quality dessert or cooking apple. Tree is extremely productive, and extremely to very hardy. MSRP: Was: Now: $13.00 Choose Options
Orleans Reinette Custom Benchgraft Round, flattened, greenish-yellow fruit with some cinnamon russet in most cases. Flesh is creamy white, firm and fine-textured and very juicy with a taste first of sweet oranges followed by a nutty flavor. Trees are vigorous, heavily spurred. MSRP: Was: Now: $13.00 Choose Options
Otterson Crab Custom Benchgraft A medium sized, redfleshed cider apple. MSRP: Was: Now: $13.00 Choose Options
Oxheart Pippin Custom Benchgraft Choice eating; deep flavor with a lot of juice; excellent keeper MSRP: Was: Now: $13.00 Choose Options
Ozark Gold Custom Benchgraft Golden Delicious type but earlier, firmer (perhaps due to Ben Davis parentage) and less russeting. Flavor is sweet, honeyed, very juicy with little acidity. MSRP: Was: Now: $13.00 Choose Options