Louisa Scionwood Small pink flowers. Small yellow fruit. Broad, weeping canopy form. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Lady Api Scionwood Fruit small to very small, borne often in clusters, not quick to bear, but reliable. Susceptible to apple scab where springs are wet. Flesh white, firm, fine-grained; flavor aromatic, mild subacid becoming nearly sweet. Traditionally was used in... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Lady Sudeley Scionwood A large early dessert apple with red stripes over a yellow skin. A good cropper. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Lakeland Scionwood Medium sized fruit dark red striped. Flesh is yellow sometimes slightly tinged with red. Fine textured, juicy, and mildly acid. Excellent for pies and sauce. Mild pleasant flavor, an excellent choice for the home orchard. Good all-purpose apple. Good... MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Laxton's Superb Scionwood A cross of Wyken Pippin and Cox's Orange Pippin. A medium to large, yellow-green apple with some dark red markings. Flesh is greenish-white, firm, tender, and juicy with a Cox Orange taste. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Limbertwig Caney Fork Scionwood Originated in the Caney Fork area of the Cumberland mountains in Kentucky. Great cooking apple. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Lindsay Russet Scionwood A small apple that will become larger if properly thinned. Excellent and unique flavor for cider, sauce and eating. A vigorous, heavily productive tree. Is an early and regular bearer. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Little Jewel Scionwood Small apple with thin skin and sweet, juicy flesh. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Lobo Scionwood Good quality apple that is large and red. Lobo is a seedling of McIntosh and is very hardy. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Lord Derby Scionwood A very good, large, green skinned cooking apple. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Lords Seedling Scionwood Large, uniform apple that is a heavy bearer. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Lowland Raspberry Scionwood The flesh is fine-grained, juicy and very tender. Fruit is medium to large and somewhat flattened on both ends. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Lubsk Queen Scionwood White like skin with red and pink blushes. Flesh is firm, juicy and tart. Good desert apple for pie and sause. Good keeper MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart
Lyman's Large Summer Scionwood A large, green eating and cooking apple with crisp, juicy sweet/tart flesh. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 Add to Cart