• Idared Scionwood

    Idared Scionwood

    Nearly solid red apple with white, crisp, fine-grained, aromatic flesh. Blooms early, but ripens late. Excellent keeper, improves in storage.

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  • Ingram Scionwood

    Ingram Scionwood

    Seedling of Ralls Genet. A yellow apple with heavy crimson blushing and dotted. Very heavy bearer and keeps well.

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  • Ingrid Marie Scionwood

    Ingrid Marie Scionwood

    Believed to be a seedling of Cox Orange Pippin. Skin a dark red flush, some stripes, against a yellow background, sometimes russeted. Medium to large size fruit with juicy flesh and a rich, lightly aromatic flavor.

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  • Iron Bridge Scionwood

    Iron Bridge Scionwood

    A medium to large apple of above average flavor. Similar to but better than McIntosh. Crisp, sweet, and slightly tart flesh.

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