
  • Abbe Fetel Scionwood

    Abbe Fetel Scionwood

    A large, elongated Bosc type pear with yellow skin with a red blush. Flesh is crisp but melting in texture with a rich, sweet flavor.

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  • Anjou Scionwood

    Anjou Scionwood

    An excellent European pear. Short-necked, slightly rusetted, light green fruit. Hardy, blight resistant, bears young and is a good pollinizer.

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  • Arganche Scionwood

    Arganche Scionwood

    A small, yellow pear with a red blush. Flesh is fine grained, firm, juicy, and sweet. Resistant to scab.

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  • Bosc Scionwood

    Bosc Scionwood

    A medium to large, dark yellow pear with some russeting. A high quality pear and good keeper. Ripens off the tree. Trees are very productive.

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  • Butt Scionwood

    Butt Scionwood

    A small, yellow, slightly russetted, perry pear. A cider pear with moderate acid and tannin content. Produces a slightly astringent, fruity, good quality cider. Heavy producer. Excellent keeper.

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  • Clapps Favorite Scionwood

    Clapps Favorite Scionwood

    A very large yellow-green pear, with a red blush. This pear is juicy, crisp and sweet. Fruit will ripen on the tree. Trees are very hardy and vigorous but can be susceptible to fire blight.

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  • Clapps Red Scionwood

    Clapps Red Scionwood

    Yellow fruit with bright red blush. A very productive, winter hard tree but susceptible to fire blight.

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  • Flemish Beauty Scionwood

    Flemish Beauty Scionwood

    Large, yellow pear with a rich flavor. It is a great pear for eating or canning. This is a very winter hardy pear but is susceptible to fire blight.

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  • Forelle Scionwood

    Forelle Scionwood

    A medium sized yellow pear that gets a red blush and speckles like a trout. Very good tasting pear but susceptible to fire blight.

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  • Gem Scionwood

    Gem Scionwood

    A large, red blushed pear over green skin. Flesh is juicy and sweet. Very disease resistant.

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  • Harrow Crisp Scionwood

    Harrow Crisp Scionwood

    Fruit has a very attractive finish with a red blush over smooth, yellow skin and the flavor is mildly sweet. The tree is very hardy, productive and has proven resistance to fire blight.

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  • Harrow Sweet Scionwood

    Harrow Sweet Scionwood

    Large Bosc like pear. The fruit is yellow skinned with a red blush and only a very slight russeting. The flesh is white, very sweet and juicy and flavorful. It will keep well.

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  • Highland Scionwood

    Highland Scionwood

    a cross of Bartlett and Comice. A large pear with green/yellow skin with some russeting. Flesh is smooth and juicy with a rich, sweet flavor.

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  • Honeysweet Scionwood

    Honeysweet Scionwood

    A medium to large sized, golden, russetted pear. Flesh is smooth, buttery, firm and sweet. Resists fire blight and leaf spotting.

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  • Maxine Scionwood

    Maxine Scionwood

    A large yellow pear. Flesh is firm, crisp, juicy and white. Resistant to fire blight.

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  • Moonglow Scionwood

    Moonglow Scionwood

    A medium to large, yellow pear. The white flesh is juicy, smooth with a mild flavor. Tastes better if stored for a little while. A great storing pear and resistant to fire blight.

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