• Sansa Scionwood

    Sansa Scionwood

    High quality dessert apple that resembles a Gala. Fireblight and scab resistant.

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  • Saxton Fallstripe Scionwood

    Saxton Fallstripe Scionwood

    Fruit medium, roundish, truncated, somewhat irregular and obscurely ribbed; surface greenish yellow, thinly washed with light red, with distinct dark red stripes and splashes. Flesh is yellowish, juicy, tender, mild subacid, good to very good.

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  • Scarlet Gala Scionwood

    Scarlet Gala Scionwood

    Unusually bright red color distinguishes it from other Galas. It is a medium sized apple. Oval to round in shape and slightly taller than other strains. A vigorous grower with heavy and annual bearing habits. Early and adequate thinning help to attain...

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  • Scarlet Surprise Scionwood

    Scarlet Surprise Scionwood

    Beautiful bright red flesh! Spectacular deep pink blossoms in spring followed by reddish foliage. Medium-sized, red-skinned fruit is sweet and flavorful.

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  • Sekai Ichi Scionwood

    Sekai Ichi Scionwood

    Color of fruit varies form pale pink to darker red with red stripes. Sometimes solid red in the sun. Crisp, breaking, juicy flesh. Very sweet fine mild flavor. If tree is properly thinned, apples reportedly weigh close to 2 lbs.

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  • Sherry Scionwood

    Sherry Scionwood

    Fruit will hang on tree all winter. Poor quality when picked, but improves to good quality after storing for several months. Annual heavy crop.

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  • Shiawassee Beauty Scionwood

    Shiawassee Beauty Scionwood

    Medium size, round, greenish-yellow fruit with juicy, white flesh and mild sweet flavor. Comes in early in the season when eating apples are scarce.

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  • Shizuka Scionwood

    Shizuka Scionwood

    Cross of Golden Delicious and Indo. Sister to the Mutsu apple. A large, yellow apple with some orange blush. Flesh is firm, sweet and mild flavored. Good keeper.

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  • Sinta Scionwood

    Sinta Scionwood

    Golden Delicious and Grimes Golden cross. Resembles Golden Delicious. Medium sized fruits are pale yellow, sometimes almost white with a pinkish blush in the sun. Crisp, juicy, deep cream flesh; sweet, aromatic flavor superior to either parent. Tree...

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  • SnowSweet Scionwood

    SnowSweet Scionwood

    A medium size, red apple that is sweet with a slight tart balance and rich overtones. The flesh is firm to crisp.

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  • Sops of Wine Scionwood

    Sops of Wine Scionwood

    Old English culinary and cider apple. Fruit medium, skin greenish yellow flushed purple red. Flesh soft, fine stained pink; flavor aromatic, subacid, vinous. Season early to mid.

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  • Splendour Scionwood

    Splendour Scionwood

    Medium to large apple with dull, pinkish red skin with some russetting. Firm, crisp, yellow flesh with a mild but distinctive, sweet flavor. Good keeper.

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  • St. Cecilia Scionwood

    St. Cecilia Scionwood

    A seedling of Cox's Orange Pippin. A high-quality dessert apple. Yellow-green skin overlaid with shiny deep red. Flesh has an intense, sweet, crisp, juicy flavor. Good keeper.

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  • St. Edmunds Russet Scionwood

    St. Edmunds Russet Scionwood

    The best early russet. Flat uniform-sized apple covered with a smooth pale fawn- colored russet in our climate. Very juicy, crisp, yellowish flesh, great for cider as well as eating.

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  • Starr Scionwood

    Starr Scionwood

    Very large yellow green fruit with smooth skin and faint blush. Yellow flesh is tender, crisp, juicy, sprightly subacid, aromatic. Very good in quality, especially for dessert use. Moderately vigorous tree bears at a young age. Tree bears young, usually...

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