Apple Scionwood

Bringing back Heirloom Fruit20180318-155346.jpg

We are in the business of providing scionwood and acclimatized varieties of apple trees, pear trees, and plum trees. We specialize in antique apples which are propagated at our nursery in Northeastern Wisconsin.  Our hundreds of varieties of antique apple trees include Ashmeads's Kernel, Calville Blanc d'Hiver, Cox Orange Pippin, Esopus Spitzenburg, Hudson's Golden Gem, Pitmaston Pineapple, Roxbury Russet, and Pink Pearl to name a few.  For those who do their own grafting, we sell scionwood of most of our antique apple tree varieties.    We will also do custom bench grafting of any of our cultivars on our standard, semi-dwarfing and dwarfing rootstock.  Shipping is available for all of our products.  Please feel free to call us if you have any questions.

  • Bonnie Best Scionwood

    Bonnie Best Scionwood

    An excellent apple for pies, canning, and fresh use. Fruits are large with attractive pale red striping. Flesh is creamy color, crunchy, tender, juicy and slightly tart. Keeps well in storage.

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  • Bramley's Seedling Scionwood

    Bramley's Seedling Scionwood

    Large, green cooking apple from England. Very good apple for cooking and cider. Trees are very vigorous and spreading. Bears heavy and regular.

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  • Bramtot Scionwood

    Bramtot Scionwood

    A bittersweet green cider apple with some russeting. High tannin juice. Biennial bearer.

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  • Brushy Mtn. Limbertwig Scionwood

    Brushy Mtn. Limbertwig Scionwood

    A medium sized red over yellow apple with yellow, crisp, very juicy, sweet-tart and highly aromatic flesh. Good keeper. Trees have a tendancy to grow in a weeping form.

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  • Burgundy Scionwood

    Burgundy Scionwood

    Large, solid dark red apple with gloss like skin. Flesh is crisp with some red streaking as it ripens. Great eating apple. One of our favorites. Not a great keeper.

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  • Calville Blanc d'Hiver Scionwood

    Calville Blanc d'Hiver Scionwood

    Uniquely shaped medium to large size fruit, skin yellow with light red flush. Fine textured. Flesh is tender, yellowish-white; flavor sweet, subacid, aromatic. Higher in Vitamin C than an orange. This is the gourmet culinary apple of France, excellent...

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  • Cameo Scionwood

    Cameo Scionwood

    A chance seedling. Resembles a Delicious apple. Bright red striping over a cream colored base. Fresh is firm, crisp with subacid, aromatic taste. Good keeper

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  • Candy Crisp Scionwood

    Candy Crisp Scionwood

    Golden, yellow skinned apple with a pink blush. Flesh is juicy and sweet with a pear-like flavor. Great keeper.

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  • Chenango Strawberry Scionwood

    Chenango Strawberry Scionwood

    A medium to large apple with yellow/greenish skin with some red stripping. A dessert apple that is good for lots of uses. The white flesh is firm, juicy and very aromatic. Trees are hardy but susceptible to fire blight.

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  • Cherry Cox Scionwood

    Cherry Cox Scionwood

    Sport of Cox Orange Pippin from Denmark. Often shows dark red stripes and splashes of the solid red fruit. Keeps in storage one month longer than others of this type.

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  • Chesapeake Scionwood

    Chesapeake Scionwood

    A seedling of Red Rome and has the same characteristics. Tree is medium size and very vigorous, hardy, productive.

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