Apple Scionwood

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We are in the business of providing scionwood and acclimatized varieties of apple trees, pear trees, and plum trees. We specialize in antique apples which are propagated at our nursery in Northeastern Wisconsin.  Our hundreds of varieties of antique apple trees include Ashmeads's Kernel, Calville Blanc d'Hiver, Cox Orange Pippin, Esopus Spitzenburg, Hudson's Golden Gem, Pitmaston Pineapple, Roxbury Russet, and Pink Pearl to name a few.  For those who do their own grafting, we sell scionwood of most of our antique apple tree varieties.    We will also do custom bench grafting of any of our cultivars on our standard, semi-dwarfing and dwarfing rootstock.  Shipping is available for all of our products.  Please feel free to call us if you have any questions.

  • Eve's Delight Scionwood

    Eve's Delight Scionwood

    A very large red apple with a similar shape to a Red Delicious. Trees have very strong branches and up-right growth.

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  • Fameuse (Snow) Scionwood

    Fameuse (Snow) Scionwood

    One of the oldest and most desirable dessert apples, a parent of the aromatic McIntosh. Medium size red apple with snow white flesh.

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  • Father Abraham Scionwood

    Father Abraham Scionwood

    A medium size, green-yellow apple. It has yellowish flesh which can be tinged with red and a sweet flavor. Good keeper.

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  • Fearns Pippin Scionwood

    Fearns Pippin Scionwood

    A brilliant scarlet colored apple. Crisp, juicy flesh with an acid and sweet flavor resembling lemons but mellowing to a slight raspberry flavor.

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  • Fortune Scionwood

    Fortune Scionwood

    'Fortune' is a hybrid of 'Schoharie Spy' x 'Empire'. It is a large, red apple with yellow flesh which is excellent for eating fresh. Trees are usually very vigorous.

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  • Franklin Scionwood

    Franklin Scionwood

    A cross between Delicious and McIntosh. Well-colored fruit. Tender, crisp flesh, mild flavor. Resembles shape of Delicious, but far superior in eating quality.

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  • Freyberg Scionwood

    Freyberg Scionwood

    Small, yellow/green apple with some russeting. White flesh is juicy and firm with a slight licorice taste.

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  • Frostproof Scionwood

    Frostproof Scionwood

    A small, green apple with some russeting. The flesh is white with a green hue, fine grained, dry and high tanin. Not an eating apple.

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  • Galarina Scionwood

    Galarina Scionwood

    A small to medium sized, yellow covered with red apple. Flesh is yellowish-white, firm, juicy, and aromatic with a slightly-tart flavour. Good keeper. Disease resistant.

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  • Gemma Scionwood

    Gemma Scionwood

    A chance seedling spot of Roxbury Russet from Singing Tree Orchard. A large, dark red over greenish yellow skinned apple. Flesh is mild, sweet, sub acid, juicy, and coursely melting. Very productive tree. Fantastic keeper.

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  • Ginger Gold Scionwood

    Ginger Gold Scionwood

    Can be picked green but will turn an attractive yellow with a blush if allowed to hang on the tree. Uiform fruit size. Keeps up to 6 months in storage. Ripens six weeks before Gibson Golden. Vigorous tree habit but no limb spreading is necessary.

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  • Gladstone Scionwood

    Gladstone Scionwood

    A medium size, red apple. Flesh is white with a greenish tinge and can have red staining under the skin. Flesh is soft, crisp, juicy, and sweet-tart with a raspberry taste when very ripe.

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  • Gloria Mundi Scionwood

    Gloria Mundi Scionwood

    A huge apple, probably the largest apple ever grown in the United States. Some apples commonly reach a pound or a pound-and-a-half. Although it is not considered a good fresh-eating apple, it is a fine cooking variety. The fruit is large to very large...

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